6 – Living into a Bigger Story

6 – Living into a Bigger Story

Living into a Bigger Story Live Discussion + Mythic Storytelling Event with Mandy Bishop and Megan Theoret Watch Playback We all live within stories. Some stories keep us small and stuck, while others bring us into a bigger way of living in the world.  In this event,...
Changing Directions

Changing Directions

This audio (~36 min) is a guided drum journey intended to help you complete the FEMININE and open to the MASCULINE. To prepare for this journey, set yourself up in a quiet space with an altar, candle and bowl of water. Setup a  space where you can be comfortably...
52 – The CENTER & Beyond

52 – The CENTER & Beyond

<< Return to Course 52 – The CENTER & Beyond Soul Work Do something to acknowledge (and celebrate!) the completion of your journey around the wheel, and you experience in these 12-weeks with Discover Your Medicine.  It could be as simple as a threshold...
44 – Apprenticing to the MASCULINE

44 – Apprenticing to the MASCULINE

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 44 – Apprenticing to the MASCULINE Soul Work Begin apprenticing to the MASCULINE outside of you, and within you. Spend some extra time with the MASCULINE and the Upper World each morning when you say your prayers to...
45 – Tending the Father Wound

45 – Tending the Father Wound

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 45 – Tending the Father Wound Soul Work What is your relationship to the masculine? What has your relationship to being fathered and/or mentored been like in your life? Was your father present? How was he present? Do...