The earth is dreaming her remedy through each one of us.

All we have to do is listen…

Whether as a healer, artist, change-maker, or another thing entirely, there is sacred medicine at the core of your being, waiting to be born.

Hi, my name is Megan Theoret. I am the founder of the Medicine Weaver School  for Sacred Creativity and Shamanic Change-Making.

If you are anything like me, you’re feeling a bit stirred up by the state of our planet. You’re longing to be of service and contribute to shepherding in a new life-giving way for ourselves, our children, and future generations. But how?

In an era of climate change, social and racial injustice, human health epidemics, and governments ruled by corporate greed, there don’t seem to be many simple answers. Then again, maybe there are…

Mystics and healers have long turned to nature for guidance in times like these.

They do this because nature offers a direct path to God, Mystery, Spirit, the Universe. Nature connects us to a Divine intelligence that dwells within us and within all of life.

And if you ask the mystics, it is this intelligence of the Earth, our Souls, and the medicines they carry, that have the power to guide us into a new era.


The way of nature starts at home.

Years ago, after exhausting other strategies, I decided to give this way of the mystics a try. Wandering on the land and through the terrains of my life, I began asking questions like:

Why am I here? How am I here to serve?

At first the answers were slow to come. Or at least, I was slow to hear them. And when they did come, they were not exactly the ones I wanted to hear—

True service had to start at home, with me.

Start close in,
Don’t take the second step, or the third,
Start with the first thing, close in,
The step you don’t want to take.

Start with the ground you know,
The pale ground beneath your feet,
Your own way of starting the conversation…

~David Whyte

Finding a Path of Service

With each step, the way of nature invites you to surrender deeper into your own wild journey of healing and initiation.

If you listen, your Soul’s call will lead you toward a vision of your life work a purpose that reveals itself like nature does, one step at a time.

My medicine path has woven me into a task of helping people navigate these sorts of initiatory adventures, and when the time is right, give birth to their own unique way of service in the world.