Shamanic Coaching Sessions

combined shamanic healing, guidance & mentorship

Megan Theoret
Shamanic Healer & Soul Guide

Bring Your True Self into the World

Soul Work is a term I use to describe the ongoing labor of love that is involved in uncovering and bringing your True Self into the world. In my view, doing this work is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, your loved ones and the world.

My underlying belief about this work is that the issues or challenges you are currently facing are sacred breadcrumbs. And if you follow them, they will lead you directly into your healing and life purpose.

The Shamanic Soul Work sessions I offer are designed to support you on this path of self-discovery and awakening, and help you to take the next step in bringing the medicine of your Soul into the world.


What to Expect

In the beginning of our session we will explore your intention and the current themes or patterns connected to it. Then we will begin working deeper through the layers until we uncover what is at the root of the issue. From there we will explore what is needed to clear, transform and awaken a new way of being that is more aligned with your True Nature.

To do this work I call on a variety of shamanic coaching and healing modalities. Our sessions may at times involve periods of dialogue, while other times we might embark on a guided visualization, parts work exploration or drum journey. I often suggest homework after the session that includes shamanic practices for integration and further discovery.

Who are these sessions for?

The sessions are for anyone who is on a path of waking up– anyone who desires to do the work involved in brining their True Self into the world.

By its very nature, this work involves descending into the depths of your unconscious, and bringing to light lost or forgotten aspects of yourself. In other words, it’s shadow work. And while it’s common to fear what we don’t know about ourselves, my experience has shown me that the shadow is actually the place where some of our greatest beauty, power and magic dwells.

The shadow is not a place to fear, but a beautiful mystery to be explored. In our work together I will help you explore these mysteries with gentleness, safety and choice– to make the shadow realms accessible and to help you discover the incredible healing that is available there.

My Background

My training is as a shamanic practitioner, ceremonialist and nature-based guide. I have studied with both contemporary and indigenous teachers, including the Shipibo-Conibo of Peru and the Wixarika of Mexico. I am also a musician, writer and graphic designer and have a great love for creativity, beauty and soulful entrepreneurship.

My initiation into shamanic work began in my mid-twenties with a chronic and debilitating illness. In exploring the shadows of my unconscious I discovered that the inexplicable and at times excruciating pain in my body was an extreme manifestation of fear and shame. I was denying my own True Nature and doing so was destroying my body.

The shamanic path helped me to become conscious of my Truth and make choices to align with it. Doing this enabled me to heal my body, and also awakened me to my abilities as a healer and change-maker in the world. It showed me that underneath it all, the most powerful medicine that exists is the medicine of our Souls. Connecting and aligning with this is our greatest source of power.

Now my work focuses on helping others navigate these types of healing journeys, awaken their creative potential and bring their True Self into the world.

The Details

  • Sessions last 60-minutes and are $111
  • Session includes time to discuss and clarify your intentions, and then move into a gentle altered state experience to access greater clarity and guidance from the spirit realm.
  • Payment is due up front and sets the energetic container for our work together.
  • Our session will take place online via Zoom (let me know if you are a Prescott local and want to schedule in person — my availability is the same for these).
  • At the end of the session you will receive personalized recommendations to support your intentions for our session.


“Megan is one of the most intuitive people I have ever met. She is able to put aside any kind of agenda of her own, truly listen to another, and to offer gentle but powerful insights. Time and again, I have come away from a session feeling like I am seeing my challenge in a new way and also feeling like I have a new attitude or plan with which to tackle it. I feel very lucky to have crossed paths with Megan, and recommend her highly to anyone else considering one-on-one coaching.”
Anna S.

“Working with Megan has been one of the most revelatory and positive experiences I have ever had. She helped guide me through deep admission of behaviors and patterns, and worked towards easing me into change by providing grounded, caring advice and direction. I have truly come out the other side a more confident, self-actualized person.“
Ash T.

“Megan is brilliant at creating an “experience” and holding space. She is a wise and amazing guide and able to facilitate powerful transformational experiences. I would highly recommend her!” ~ Jen B.

“Megan offers a safe container to connect with yourself and spirit to receive the healing and guidance needed to open the channels of creativity in your life. I felt held and surrounded by beautiful energy, love and compassion.”
~ Delphine B.