17 – Working with Spirit Guides & Allies

Soul Work

Notice when an ally wants your attention.

Maybe it shows up in a particularly significant way– in a heightened moment in your life, during a drum journey, or perhaps you are gifted a feather or a painting of it, etc. As I mentioned in the video, I like to track my encounters and when someone shows up 3 times in a close period of time then I know it’s time to pay attention.

When this happens here are some steps you might take to explore the new relationship:

  • Notice the circumstances in which the ally showed up. What was your immediate response or instinctive sense of what it was communicating when you first encountered it?
  • Do some researchon what other people are saying. I often google something like ‘Skunk animal medicine totem’. I also like to consult animal spirit oracle decks and the Ted Andrews ‘Animal Speak‘ book. Notice what if anything resonates with you.
  • Drop into an imaginary conversation.Start with saying hello, thanking it for showing up, and appreciating it for its qualities that stand out to you most. See where the conversation goes from there.
  • Make offeringson a regular basis as you cultivate your connection. This can be brief and simple in your morning prayers, just by offering words of gratitude and love, cornmeal, cedar, sage, sweetgrass, tobacco, whatever you like.
  • Imagine that you are your spirit guide or ally.In other words, allow yourself to merge with your guide and experience what it’s like to be them. Notice how your consciousness shifts. What stands out to you? Be sure always to un-merge and completely release and clear the guide from your energy field after you are complete. Only do this with a trusted ally who you know is here to serve in your highest good.