38 – Tending the Mother Wound

Soul Work

Explore where there may be wounding in our relationship to the feminine. Two lenses you might explore this through:

  1. Your relationship with the lower world of your own body (the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras)
    • How connected and loving are you to this part of your body?
    • Is there any stuck energy you are aware of?
  2. Your relationship to your own mother.
    • Is there anything that stands out to you about your relationship?
    • Are there areas of ease? Do other areas of your relationship feel stuck, unresolved, filled with emotion?

Here are a few suggestions for how you might tend the wound:

  • Explore some partswork between your Mother part and Child part.Open a dialogue and allow the Child to speak about their experience of being mothered. As your Mother part, be present with the wound, let the Child tell the truth about it, offer love to it.
  • Connect with the Earth as the embodiment of the Divine Mother– Lay on the Earth face down and allow yourself to let go, empty yourself of anything that wants to go. Speak with her in your imagination as if she is your mother and you her child. Ask her to help you release, heal, whatever it is you are wanting. Imagine yourself with an umbilical going down into the center of the earth and allow yourself to also receive from the Earth nourishment, unconditional love, healing, etc.