Soul Work

Practice becoming aware of your projections during the next two weeks. Do an inventory of both your golden projections, and your sinister projections.

  1. Recognize when you are projecting on another person in your life
  2. Reclaim the projection as an aspect of yourself that you are not fully seeing. Journal every aspect of your projection– all the qualities you either admire or dislike.
  3. Get curious about that part, start looking for evidence of that part in your life. Be ruthless in your truth telling about this part. Explore what’s needed to make more space for it and bring it into the light.
  4. From a place of responsibility and having reclaimed your projection, re-visit the person who you initially projected this aspect of yourself onto. How does your perception of them shift? If it feels authentic, connect with gratitude for their help in guiding you into your shadow.

1 Comment
  1. Ryn

    Hi. I thought I’d contribute here what I wrote in my journal, just in case it may be of merit to anyone.
    I don’t have the fear factor of shadow work – mostly I’m curious – when I consider it.
    Listening to the video, I felt anxiety rising within. I think my protective ego part – the part protecting my wounded inner child – perhaps isn’t ready to go under the spotlight yet.
    My fallback response when the block shows up is to avoid and do something fun.
    So that’s what I did, a temporary salve.
    I remain not ready yet but I can feel myself getting closer I’ve been watching & listening to various YouTube videos on Inner Child work, healing childhood traumas.
    Baby steps