33 – Serving with Power & Integrity

Soul Work

As you continue exploring your path of service keep in mind these important aspects of being in integrity and ‘right relationship’ to your power and how you honor the medicine you carry:

  • Be clear in your intention for service – what/who are you here to serve?
  • Make a daily practice of prioritizing and tending to your own healing and shadow work
  • Be in balance and discernment with when and how much you give. Fill your cup first. Build your power with rest, stillness and integration. Be patient and serve from a place of fullness.
  • Relate to power places in nature with respect and gratitude. Ask them to teach you about power. Allow them to refill and recharge you, and support you in building your power and capacity to serve.
  • Become aware of and tend to your energy leaks. Strive for more self-mastery in your relationship to your boundaries. Explore coming to your boundaries from the place of your NORTH self (vs your SOUTH self). See how this might be different and yield different results.