39 – Self-Love & Self-Care

Soul Work

Tune into your own Self Love and Self Care routine. What is working? What needs to change?

Do you feel energetically full and fertile? Where is there opportunity for you to offer yourself more love and care?

Take some time in the FEMININE to tend to your self-care and self-love practices. Create a routine for yourself that you genuinely love, enjoy and look forward to. Make this a time to anchor into your feminine medicine.

Below is an example of a Cacao ritual that I work with on a daily basis.


Working with Cacao

I’m working on an article about this, but for the time being here is one that covers the basics pretty well.

If you decide you want to order some cacao, it’s important to work with ceremonial grade. Here is a link to my favorite company. When you land on their webpage, there should be a little window in the bottom left corner that opens up and asks for your email address in exchange for a 5% discount on your first order.

And here’s a description of what I do for my daily practice:

  • Open space with some sage and cedar, and call in the directions
  • Light a candle
  • Say a little prayer into my cup of cacao stating my gratitude and intentions. Treat the spirit of cacao like a new friend to start. Maybe say hello and introduce yourself. Let her know why you’re interested in working with her. And also just be curious to get to know her for yourself. Each person’s relationship to this medicine is unique and between the two of you, so it’s something to be explored and discovered as you go.
  • Start drinking, and as I do so imagine that I’m fully receiving the medicine into my body and my energy field
  • Sometimes I’ll do some breathing, yoga or meditation, other times I journal or put on a playlist of some nice medicine music, or sing, or sit in silence… I just listen to my energy and go with it. I think most important is just to follow what brings me joy or feels alive in the moment.
  • Depending on my intention I spend some time tuning into that and just seeing what comes up
  • When I feel complete I close with sage and cedar again, releasing the directions and blowing out the candle… typically about 30-60 minutes total depending on the day and how much time I have.

I suggest sitting with it every morning for two weeks to begin, and then see where that takes you.