48 – Protecting the Sacred
Soul Work
Part 1 – Journal on these questions:
- What is your experience of feeling safe? What actions could you take to create more of an experience of safety
- How does your protector manifest? How does it manifest within you, and in the way you show up for others? Is it a mature protector who listens to and takes right action on behalf of the divine feminine? Or is it an immature or outdated masuline who is more of a loyal soldier, still responding based on the past, and maybe even suppressing the feminine within?
- What would be the most healthy expression of your masculine right now?
Part 2 – Practice ‘Ask, Listen, Act’
- Start your day asking the feminine what is needed, what is most important. Listen for an answer, and then take action based on what you hear. When you finish one task, come back and repeat. Ask again, listen again, and act again. Move through your day in this way.