50 – Practicing the Art of Giving Generously

Soul Work

Part 1: Journal

  • What is your relationship to giving? Do you tend to give too much? Too little? What are your beliefs around giving? What are your beliefs about your capacity to give? What do you expect in return? Are there circumstances that your feminine requires reciprocity (e.g. monetary, trade, etc) in order to remain healthy?

Part 2: Explore the practice of Giving Generously.

  • Start by coming from a place of generosity, through first feeding the well of your own feminine. Practice your self care and self love to a point of fullness.
  • Pose the question – What medicine wants to be shared today? How can I serve?
  • Notice what answers come, who shows up, what circumstances emerge that present you an opportunity to serve.
  • Give from a place of genuine inspiration in the moment. Some examples might include something simple:
    • Blessing through the hands, witnessing/listening, acknowledging, thanking, acts of service
  • Know when enough is enough. Be discerning and respond accordingly in honor of your own limits.
  • Noticing how giving impacted yourself and the other.