49 – Opening to Authentic Expression
Soul Work
- Start exploring your own authentic expression and becoming conscious of the power of your own voice.
- Practice observing the impact of your words on the world. How does what you say impact your loved ones? How does it impact you?
- Notice who is speaking in any given moment. Which part of you is speaking? What is the vibration behind your speech?
Set the intention to practice using your voice as a channel for bringing medicine into the world:
- Start by anchoring into the feminine. Become conscious and connected to what’s needed.
- Become conscious of your intention before you begin to speak.
- Which part(s) of you are wanting to bring forth your message?
- As you speak, allow the words to flow. Stay as connected as you can to your intention. Come back to it if you start veering off track.
- Reflect on the impact after you finish
Explore other opportunities for opening your authentic expression. Remember to start with intention as guided above, and observe the impact on yourself and others:
- Music
- Prayer (see referenced article here)
- Writing