51 – Naming Your MASCULINE Self

Soul Work

  • Take some time to update your Soul Mandala, recognizing any medicine you’ve discovered in the MASCULINE, as well as the Spirit Guides and Allies that have shown up to support you in this part of your journey.Take in the wholeness of your mandala now that you have mapped out medicine in each of the directions. Consider what you want to do to anchor in your experience with each of the directions and the wholeness of your 12 week self-discovery journey. A few ideas:
    • Create a new updated version of your entire mandala
    • Create a collage of images to anchor each aspect
    • Create pieces of art, writing, music, sculpture, etc to anchor specific aspects of your medicine
    • Setup an altar specifically honoring the various aspects of your medicine

    Place your mandala somewhere that you will see it, to help you remember and continue cultivating your connection to your medicine.