31 – Inviting a Service Project

Soul Work

  1. Explore the idea of calling in a service project. How are you being called into service in your life right now? What are your ready and available for at this time? For example:
  • Service to yourself, your inner ecosystem, your wounded child
  • Your ordinal relationships
  • Your greater community

If you haven’t already, you might be interested to review this article on finding your medicine and consider where you are on your journey towards bringing your medicine into the world.

  1. As you explore the possibility of a service project, consider:
  • What is the change you’d like to see in the world?
  • What set of issues are you uniquely attuned to?
  • What is the deeper/unmet need that you perceive in the world?
  • What change do you see happening that you’d like to be part of?
  • How are you uniquely capable of contributing to this set of issues?

Start to brainstorm and consider what this might look like in a practical sense. How could the new dream of the WEST be brought into form?

  1. Begin practicing immediately through the work of embodiment. BE the change you wish to see. Allow the new dream of the WEST to infuse your way of being in your day. Embody love, presence, compassion in your day to day life as much as you can. In order to do this, be sure to fill your cup first. Take time for yourself and do not rush into giving and serving until you are full and available to do so.