2 – How it Works

In this video I talk about the overall structure and flow of the program. I also talk about why we are working with the medicine wheel and how it can help you bring your medicine into the world.

Recommended Course Flow

Week 1 of each Module – watch all videos within the first few days if possible, and select at least one piece of ‘Soul Work’ that resonates most for you to participate in during that week.

Soul Work Sunday – choose one Sunday during the Module to do a deeper dive or experiential ‘Soul Work’ practice for 1-3 hours.

Module Wrap Up – at the end of each Module, be sure to leave time to reflect on the Module and do something to anchor in your key takeaways

Change Directions – when we complete one Module and move to the next, take a few moments to change directions. This can be a simple prayer or ritual honoring and thanking the direction you’ve just been apprenticing to, and then turning to face and open to the new direction of the next Module.

Other Course Elements

Live Ceremonial Gatherings – we will gather on a monthly basis (4 times total) as a group to call on the support of helping spirits to move you towards your intentions.

Individual Sessions – you have the option to book 3 individual coaching sessions during the course on an as-needed basis to receive more personalized guidance and support as the course progresses.

Marco Polo Group – we have a Marco Polo group video chat throughout the course where you can share your Soul Work experiences, connect with others in the group, and receive guidance between live sessions.

1 Comment
  1. Ryn

    Heartfelt greetings to everyone!
    Thank you Megan for creating your medicine vehicle and offering it Right Now.
    A bit about me: I’m techno avoidant, slow and deliberate when interacting with electronics. They break on me easily, calls are dropped, dead zones surround me…it’s as if I operate on a different slice of the universe at large, with one foot in each plane, my heart and head in different miasmas. I simplify everything as much as possible and speed is not part of my essence.
    Any suggestions y’all may have to help me ground and stay grounded during our sessions and throughout the medicine workshop is Greatly Appreciated. You are awesome.
    New beginnings.