35 – Enacting Self-Designed Ceremony

Soul Work

Create a Self-Designed Ceremony (when the time is right, based on your own sense of know). If you would like support with designing or enacting your ceremony, please contact me any time. This is one of my favorite things to do!

  1. Know what your intention is – what is the change you are wanting to set in motion. Different ceremonies can have different qualities and themes based on the stage of the wheel you are in within your life (East, South, West, North).
  2. Craft a ceremony – invite in the inner Muse (inspired creative self) to design an experience that resonates with your intention. Design it with a clear opening, middle, and closing.
    • Opening: Speak your intention, call in your spirit guides and allies to support you. This might include calling in the spirits of the land if you are working in nature.
    • Middle: Leave room for Spirit and all your guides and allies to lead this part, while at the same time providing enough structure to support your intention. Consider including a symbolic process for honoring or releasing or completing what has been, as well as embracing, embodying, blessing, calling in the new.
    • Closing: Offer gratitude and thanks to your spirit guides and allies for their support, acknowledge the end of your ceremony.
  3. Enact the ceremony – When you are ready to begin the ceremony, surrender into the process. With the opening, intend to enter into more conscious, presence and mystical relationship to the world around you. Follow the structure of your ceremony, but also leave room for the unexpected. Remember Leonard Cohen’s saying, “the cracks are how the light gets in”. It’s not the plan or perfection that is as important as showing up and allowing. Sometimes when things don’t go to plan is the moment when Spirit sneaks in and works some unexpected magic.