Soul Work

Record your dreams and pay attention to your dreams over the next two weeks.

  1. Before bed, say a prayer asking the ‘dream maker’ to dream you.
  2. Go to sleep.
  3. In the morning, before moving or talking, take a moment to reconnect with your dreams. Journal in as much detail as you can about any dreams you remember.
  4. Recognize that every character in the dream is an aspect of you. Revisit the dream from the perspective of each character in the dream. What do each of these characters show you about yourself?
  5. Track where there is the most energy in the dream. What images or moments have the most energy? Explore different ways to apprentice to those images and aspects of the dream.


NOTE OF CLARIFICATION: There tend to be four types of dreams. This dream work is oriented towards calling in and working with ‘Soulful Dreams’. You can support yourself in calling in these type of dreams by meditating, journaling, or doing something to empty yourself and integrate your day before going to sleep.

  • Stress Dreams (most common)- processing, releasing and integrating occurrences in your recent day to day life. These usually come first in the night.
  • Soulful Dreams (less common) – Dreams that come after the Stress Dreams finish. They are more self-revelatory, stirring, and insightful. They carry a different signature than the stress dreams and feel often times like something happened– a healing, an encounter, an insight, an internal conflict– something is revealed to you through these dreams.
  • Prophetic Dreams (rare) – dreams that feel like messages from Spirit or your Spirit Guides, tending to be future oriented or providing you important information for your life that feels like it came from beyond you.
  • Lucid Dreams– (even more rare, requires practice and skill development) dreams when you are consciously creating and influencing the way your dream unfolds


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