7 – Cultivating Shamanic Awareness

Soul Work

In this video I talk about the idea of cultivating shamanic awareness. This is a really important aspect of the EAST and also essential to the entire program, which is rooted in shamanic practice. Soul Work Practice cultivating your shamanic awareness through one or more of these practices:

1. Say ‘hello’ to Spirit in everything and every being you come across in your day.

2. Get curious about ‘what is the unique medicine of this being in front of me?’

3. Practice seeing beyond the appearances of the five senses and the material world. Start to notice how you perceive the Spirit world– through your visual or auditory imagination, through insights or profound thoughts, through your physical or emotional body, etc.

4. Play with the malleability of reality. Set an intention to perceive beauty, love, inspiration, or whatever it is your Soul is calling for that day. Notice if/how your reality shifts as your orientation shifts.

5. Notice when you are attracting a certain pattern into your life– for example a lot of frustrated, impatient or angry situations. What is this showing you about yourself and your internal state? Explore how even the challenging and unpleasant life experiences are medicine, showing up to help you in some way on your path of healing and transformation.

6. Work with the Ho’oponopono prayer to help you become aware of Spirit in your friends, family and acquaintances (this can be said silently as a prayer, or aloud). Notice if/what shifts occur:

  • I’m sorry (for forgetting you as Spirit)
  • Please forgive me (for forgetting)
  • I thank you (for the beauty and divinity you bring to my life)
  • I love you (as the Divine Spirit that you are)

1 Comment
  1. Ryn

    Hi everyone! It feels good to be here with you in the safe container Megan creates for us. On many levels, I am quite grateful to Megan for her generosity and spirit, quite grateful.
    Our current shamanic video helps ground me in the present, something I’m increasingly endeavoring to embrace again. This century has been a pivotal turning point in my awareness and consciousness, showing me step by baby step where to uncover my roots of being. I’ve felt solitary on my journey, and distrustful due to personal experiences and ignorance. It isn’t easy or natural anymore for me to share what I’m thinking or feeling. ‘Something’ is happening to alter that for me; perhaps it is the intimacy of our small group, timing, or my current living situation. I feel like I have space, and time, now to consciously live, and I feel safe and secure about it too. Well, let’s say a bit more each day.
    I’ve undertaken many of Megan’s suggestions since the start of this century, and others begun decades before. But not with sustained discipline or deep understanding. Learning about quantum physics and neural path discoveries expand how I adapt daily. I didn’t have guidance, or didn’t know how to recognize the guidance; I just did it and suffered or benefited the consequences.
    Today, it’s a wonderfully freeing feeling to be me in a container among humans where I feel safe from attack, correction, judgement, rejection, shunned for being me. I quit trying to fit in. I have retreated to surrounding myself with animals, plants and books for protection, and acceptance. They never let me down. With this journey, I’m learning discernment and how to trust a few humans again. That’s a big deal for me.
    Thank you Megan for your leadership and training, both in uncovering your own medicine and helping me/us to do the same. I can’t promise I won’t retreat back into my shell periodically, especially after sticking my neck out LOL, turtle energy. This video is a lovely baby step for me, plenty of helpful advice that resonates deep within my core. It helps my personal growth a lot, too, to be able to journey at my own pace and to have two weeks between the directions.
    Maybe it is a similar feeling for y’all, too?