47 – Cultivating Confidence
Soul Work
- Explore your relationship to confidence through the lens of your parts.Is there a confident part or parts of you? Do you have an inner critic or flatterer? Is there an aspect of your wounded child that is sensitive to criticism and the opinions of others? Is there a protective part that wants to help cultivate more confidence and courage? Do some parts work. Let each part tell its story.
- Continue working with the Sun. Invite and image the Sun within. Ask it to help you cultivate your confidence. See what impact the simple act of imagining a radiating sun at the center of your being, in your heart space, has on you.
- Work with the power of your word to grow your confidence. Continue building on positive self talk from an empowered space of confidence and command. Explore working with powerful mantras to help you find your center point of neutral self-confidence (not too much, not too little).
- You might experiment with the Paul Seligteachings that orient around the idea of ‘Word I am Word‘ (meaning, I am what I say I am). Repeat to yourself several times: I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how I serve. Word I am Word.
- Another simple practice is to work with placing your hand in the center of your body at your heart and say – ‘Center, Neutral, Now’.Notice the impact of these words on your field. Try it a few times.
- Ask yourself, what is needed? Tune into your own knowing of how and what is needed to help you grow a healthy sense of confidence.