34 – Creating Lasting Change

Soul Work

In order for true change to happen, you have to come to rest— to a still point. This can be a very passive, allowing process. And yet it takes discipline to not rush past it. To actually come into a state of stillness and rest requires great self-mastery.

Also know that the old story presenting itself is a natural part of the change process. It is not evidence that the change isn’t working, it is showing you where your work is to complete your transformation. The old story will present itself again and again until you have integrated and embodied the new way of being– until you have become the butterfly.

The work of the NORTH then, in creating lasting change, is to get better and better at catching yourself when you fall into the old story, the old patten or way of being. When you find yourself here, immediately stop. Withdraw your energy from it. There is nothing to fix or analyze, doing that only empowers it. Instead, redirect your energy to the new story. Focus there, and feed the new way until it becomes natural and effortless. Then you know you are complete.