16 – Creating Healthy Boundaries (Part 2)

Soul Work

Make a daily practice of tending your energy field (this can be a quick 3-5 minute practice, or more extended when you feel you have some deeper work to do that day).

1. Start in a seated or standing position where you can be upright, with your spine erect and in alignment.

2. Close your eyes, tune in. Say Hello to your body— your physical body, emotional body, mental body, and energy body.

3. Drop a grounding corddown into the center of the earth. Say hello, offer thanks. Release and clear downwards anything that is ready to go. Receive the medicine of the earth up through your grounding into your body.

4. Place your attention on your crown and connect above to the heart of the cosmos. Say hello, offer thanks. Stretch your branches out and through the leaves begin to receive starlight, sunlight, moonlight, and blessings from above into your body.

5. Tune into your heart. Anchor your attention in the center of your energy body.

6. Call all your energy back into your field Use a rattle if you would like, or just your imagination is ok too.

7. Clear any energy that isn’t yours.Break it up, release and clear it from your field. You can use a rattle to start, or your breath. Finish with sage, palo santo or tobacco. Something that is good for clearing.

8. Setup your protection. You can do this by imagining yourself inside of an octahedron and programing it with the frequency of protection by imagining it in electric blue light. You can also work with placing roses on the edge of your energy field to collect hoocha, or ask your spirit guides and allies to walk beside you at the edge of your field to protect you.

9. Call in any extra medicine you want in your container. You can call in unconditional love from the earth or a rose. Call in sunlight to help give you energy or raise your frequency. Call in wisdom, creativity, healing, whatever it is you want you can welcome it into your field.