15 – Creating Healthy Boundaries (Part 1)

Soul Work

Practice becoming aware of your own energy throughout the day. Where do you need to call your energy back? Where do you need to create more space for yourself?

Tell the truth to yourself first. Journal about where you want/need to adjust your boundaries in your life right now in order to honor yourself. Take a look at these areas:

  • Your relationship with yourself
  • Your family
  • Your partnership(s)
  • Your friendships
  • Your work life
  • Your community(ies)

Notice if and where there is conflict within you. Does one part want a new boundary and another wants or believes things need to stay the way they are? Identify the parts in conflict and engage with some partswork conversations to explore the tension and whether or third way might be available. [Refer back to the video on Healing & Wholing with Partswork for more detail on this.]

1 Comment
  1. Ryn

    For so long, most of my life, I was outer oriented. I don’t know when that happened but combined with the lack of childhood memories (a big blank void) I suspect it happened in self-defense as a child and I never learned a healthier way to take care of me.
    When my 25+ yr marriage broke up in 2007, I was devastated and I did what I typically did: I ran away. I journaled but didn’t really talk with anyone. I moved across country and set up a new life, one with more of ‘me’ in it.
    It didn’t really work LOL.
    I carried my internal story with me and soon enough began repeating the same behaviors.
    But I did learn early in the period one thing that has stayed with me and is helping me continue to heal.
    I began pursuing all things relating to energy (how could I not? The Blue Ridge Mtns are made of quartz and even more ghosts started visiting me, sigh).
    I visited my first labyrinth at a progressive Unity Church. The pastor led our group outside the labyrinth and taught us about our own energy field. He had us close our eyes and think about something or someone we loved and to let those thoughts build and grow (we did this individually while the others surrounded us in a circle). After some minutes, he had us open our eyes.
    I was amazed to see everyone standing at least 20 ft away from me. That is the distance my loving energy of thoughts extended and touched everyone as they kept backing up until they didn’t feel it, as much anyway.
    The lesson explained for me many things that have happened in my life, electro-magnetically, and especially with animals.
    I am a kindergartner at managing or staying consciously aware of my energy. I have significantly reduced anger emotions, in a healthy way not simply repressing which is what I used to do 24/7. It has involved physically removing me great distances to find a peaceful environment to learn and grow beyond kindergarten. I started gradually and then I looked globally at the possibilities.
    What I most want to share here is that I’ve learned, for me, emotions play a huge role in determining where my energetic boundaries lay. And those boundaries can ebb and flow even if the environment around me stays ‘as is’. And, I finally learned to place my energetic self front and center in my life, this year, honoring my emotions and body sensations as valuable insights into whether or not I was living authentically in my truths.
    It’s getting easier with patience, acceptance (vs. tolerance), the passage of time and baby steps.
    Our adventure together in Megan’s container is having a less and less scary impact on me. That’s encouraging!
    Thank you for letting me share and reading this.
    Have a terrific week!