4 – Course Agreements

I acknowledge my consent and understanding that I will be participating in a shamanic experience that will include shamanic ceremonies, guided shamanic practices, individual coaching and healing sessions, and group experiences.

I understand that these activities can stir up and intensify my mental, emotional and physical states, and that I am responsible for determining what is resonant and safe for my mental, physical and spiritual health. I agree to ask for help if I need it.

I agree to show up to this experience as fully as I am able. I also understand that I have choice in everything I do.

I agree to respect the confidentiality of our shared group container and hold this experience in a respectful and sacred way. I agree to be discerning as to how I speak about my experience and to my sharing on my own process and inspirations, and not anyone else’s.

I agree to honor each person’s process and trust in their ability to navigate this experience. I agree to ask their permission before offering any type of support to another member of the group.

I agree to keep a beginner’s mind, suspend judgement and do my best to see the entire experience as a medicine, even when I feel challenged. I agree to trust in the experience and do everything in my power to see it through from start to finish.