32 – Connecting with Your Ancestral Medicine

Soul Work

Begin exploring your ancestral medicine. Be discerning and clear in your intent to work with the well and benevolent ancestors, the ones who are here in service to your highest good, and the highest good of the planet.

  1. Take time to say hello and thank your ancestors. As you say your NORTH prayers in the morning, you might imagine your matrilineal line to the left, the patrilineal to the right, as well as any other ancestral lineages you work with being present.
  2. Spend some time tuning into the qualities and unique energies of your ancestral lines. Do your different lines have different qualities or feelings to them? Spend some time journaling about each lineage: What are the unique medicines and gifts of that line? What are the deepest wounds? Look for patterns that show up throughout the line.
  3. Do some journey work on each of your ancestral lines, e.g. one with your well matrilineal and one for your well patrilineal ancestors.
    • Before starting the journey, set your intention – you might ask things like: support to connect to the line, for more clarity on the medicine/wounds of your line; clarity on what your role or agreements are, etc.
    • Call in all your spirit guides and allies for protection (the medicine wheel included)
    • When you start the journey, call on a specific protecting spirit/guide to lead you on your journey to meet with your ancestors. You can use your own drum beat, a guided group journey, or one of these drum tracks (general drum journey from SSP -OR- various journeys on Spotify from Sandra Ingerman) to facilitate your journey. Also see the links below for access to the guided ancestral connection journey led by Iris Meyer.
  4. After completing the 2 journeys of your matrilineal and patrilineal lines, consider how those two ancestral medicines might weave together through you in your unique life task work.