28 – Clearing Blocks & Befriending Death
Soul Work
Consider your relationship to death. How do you feel towards death? Is there an opportunity to shift and/or deepen that relationship? What allies and spirit guides do you have that support you in your relationship to death and rebirth?
At our next gathering we will be working with the theme of clearing blocks & befriending death to support you in making way for a more true version of yourself to come into being. Prepare for this time together by sitting with these questions:
- What are you most ready to sacrifice at this time? What old story, belief, or way of being are you ready to release?
- What do you want to call forth in its place?
Be as clear and focused as you can with these intentions when you arrive for our next gathering. Rather than having a long laundry list, consider if there is one most essential thing. What is most important right now to release and transform? What is most essential to call in?