This audio (~36 min) is a guided drum journey intended to help you complete the EAST and open to the SOUTH. To prepare for this journey, set yourself up in a quiet space with an altar, candle and bowl of water. Setup a space where you can be comfortably seated or laying down for the drum journey. Have your journal handy for afterwards.
Headphones are recommended for a more immersive experience.
Hi everyone.
I don’t know what to say.
Vivid memories of what transpired for me during our changing directions drumming are competing with my turtle energy to keep my head down and protected in my shell.
I journaled for an hour afterwards which is a long story to share maybe at some point in the future.
Megan, I have a question. During the journey, a multitude of childhood memories flashed by in an instant, nothing frightening but tears started to flow. Is it possible for my body to clear these stagnant memories
without engaging my mind? It’s almost as if I’m gaining a clean slate from the drumming and maybe trying to recall the flashes will keep them stagnant, uncleared and ultimately not healthy for me in the long run???
I was very hungry and empty feeling afterwards, weightless even. I liked that sensation so I held on to it for the rest of the day, tethered but floating.
On to the South and all it has to show me!
I’m ready.
Hi Ryn! Great questions and thanks so much for sharing!
Yes, I absolutely think it’s possible to clear memories without engaging the mind, and it sounds quite similar to what you are describing– a sort of observing of the process rather than engaging. One thing that comes to mind is the idea that what is unconscious has to be conscious in order for it to clear, heal, alchemize, release (or whatever the relevant change action may be).
Sometimes when things from the past come up it can be beneficial to be curious and engage to explore what lessons might be available or what medicine there is to be gained through examination. But other times that is not what’s needed, and engaging actually keeps you attached to the old pattern. It sounds like you may be experiencing some of the latter, a time of let go and release to make room for the new.
Congratulations on all the work you are doing for yourself : )