Changing Directions

Changing Directions

This audio (~36 min) is a guided drum journey intended to help you complete the WEST and open to the NORTH. To prepare for this journey, set yourself up in a quiet space with an altar, candle and bowl of water. Setup a  space where you can be comfortably seated or...
30 – Apprenticing to the NORTH

30 – Apprenticing to the NORTH

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 30 – Apprenticing to the NORTH Soul Work Begin apprenticing to the NORTH outside of you. and within you. Spend some extra time with the NORTH each morning when you say your prayers to the directions. Connect with the...
31 – Inviting a Service Project

31 – Inviting a Service Project

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 31 – Inviting a Service Project Soul Work Explore the idea of calling in a service project. How are you being called into service in your life right now? What are your ready and available for at this time? For...
32 – Connecting with Your Ancestral Medicine

32 – Connecting with Your Ancestral Medicine

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 32 – Connecting with Your Ancestral Medicine Soul Work Begin exploring your ancestral medicine. Be discerning and clear in your intent to work with the well and benevolent ancestors, the ones who are here in service...
33 – Serving with Power & Integrity

33 – Serving with Power & Integrity

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 33 – Serving with Power & Integrity Soul Work As you continue exploring your path of service keep in mind these important aspects of being in integrity and ‘right relationship’ to your power and how...
34 – Creating Lasting Change

34 – Creating Lasting Change

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 34 – Creating Lasting Change Soul Work In order for true change to happen, you have to come to rest— to a still point. This can be a very passive, allowing process. And yet it takes discipline to not rush past...