Changing Directions

Changing Directions

This audio (~36 min) is a guided drum journey intended to help you complete the FEMININE and open to the MASCULINE. To prepare for this journey, set yourself up in a quiet space with an altar, candle and bowl of water. Setup a  space where you can be comfortably...
44 – Apprenticing to the MASCULINE

44 – Apprenticing to the MASCULINE

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 44 – Apprenticing to the MASCULINE Soul Work Begin apprenticing to the MASCULINE outside of you, and within you. Spend some extra time with the MASCULINE and the Upper World each morning when you say your prayers to...
45 – Tending the Father Wound

45 – Tending the Father Wound

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 45 – Tending the Father Wound Soul Work What is your relationship to the masculine? What has your relationship to being fathered and/or mentored been like in your life? Was your father present? How was he present? Do...
46 – Connecting to Higher Consciousness

46 – Connecting to Higher Consciousness

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 46 – Connecting to Higher Consciousness Soul Work Consciously establish your connect upwards each day, from the crown of your head up into the star realm and the heart of the Cosmos. Be intentional about programming...
47 – Cultivating Confidence

47 – Cultivating Confidence

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 47 – Cultivating Confidence Soul Work Explore your relationship to confidence through the lens of your parts.Is there a confident part or parts of you? Do you have an inner critic or flatterer? Is there an aspect of...
48 – Protecting the Sacred

48 – Protecting the Sacred

<< Return to CourseNext Video >> 48 – Protecting the Sacred Soul Work Part 1 – Journal on these questions: What is your experience of feeling safe? What actions could you take to create more of an experience of safety How does your protector...