37 – Apprenticing to the FEMININE

Soul Work

** NOTE: In this video mistakenly refer to the axis between the underworld and upperworld as horizontal, it is actually the vertical axis. The horizontal axis is the middle world rotation of east > south> west > north.

Begin apprenticing to the FEMININE outside of you, and within you.

Spend some extra time with the FEMININE and the Underworld each morning when you say your prayers to the directions. Connect with the energy of the Earth, the Mother, the Womb, the energies of fertility, creativity, receptivity, allowing, connection to the mysterious and the spirit realm, the emotions, patience, etc.

Also, start to connect to the FEMININE medicine within you– who is the Divine Feminine within you? How do you express your femininity? If you don’t feel entirely connected to your feminine, start with exploring examples of the feminine in your life that you admire, find beautiful, etc. Consider how these might be aspects of your own femininity that you are not fully embodying.