6 – Apprenticing to the EAST

Soul Work

1. Connect to the EAST OUTSIDE of you:

• Start by facing EAST in the morning.

• Say Hello. Thank you Spirit of the EAST.

• Continue your prayer. Appreciate the qualities of the EAST that are represented in the new day, the Spring time, the innocence of childhood, etc.

• Ask and invite it to help in whatever way is authentic to you in the moment.

2. Apprentice to the EAST WITHIN you through working with one of these archetypes throughout your day:

• INNOCENT SAGE – practice being innocent, dropping the story, getting curious about anything and everything you encounter. Act as if you are meeting your environment and the people around you for the first time.

• TRICKSTER – explore bringing humor into any situation you can (even the most challenging ones); practice laughing at your follies, being lighthearted and playful. Notice where you take things too seriously.

• SACRED FOOL – practice following your intuition wherever it leads you (within the bounds of your own and other’s safety)— this can be done out in nature wandering on the land or through the course of your day just following your knowing of what is needed next; practice trusting your guidance, and also practice trusting whatever is happening that is out of your control as perfect and in your favor.

• PRIEST(ESS) – practice seeing Spirit in everyone and everything you meet, including in the most challenging moments; go for a walk and say hello to all the nature spirits you see; work with the mantra ‘all is sacred, as am I; all is holy, as am I; all is blessed, as am I; all is divine, as am I

3. Journal about your experiences:

• Notice what shows up. What stands out to you about your experiences this week? How did the soul work impact your life?

• What are you noticing about your EAST Self? How has it already shown up for you in this life? When does this part of you come out and express itself?

• Where is there more opportunity? What is your EAST self calling you into?

1 Comment
  1. Ryn

    Hi everyone, so happy to have Megan’s container to protect me on this journey.
    Reading Megan’s guiding activity suggestions felt somewhat like a homecoming for me.
    I remember behaving and living my life along the lines of the archetypes Megan presented.
    Where did that person go?
    Many decades later and many experiences later, attempting Megan’s shamanic guidelines feels like a very huge step for me to take.
    Except for the Greet The East Daily. I already walk/run every morning from 4:30 to 5:30am, before the daily heat intensifies here in the SW desert and I spend the day indoors. Typically I use the hour to loosen the cobwebs, enjoy the wildlife sharing the neighborhood and feel my body & health strengthen and improve. I’ve been practicing this faithfully ever since I moved into my new rental on May 01 and I don’t plan to give it up ever again LOL.
    I’m grateful for the structure and helpful guidance Megan created for me/us in this first module of our journey. I’m seeking structure and guidance to explore safely all the new things happening to me today, and put my prior experiences into a healthy perspective.
    I’d like to find out if I can align with that person I used to be.
    Megan is gently opening the potential I’ve kept barricaded inside me, private and safe.
    Baby steps.
    Thank you Megan! I appreciate you greatly.