24 – Tracking Your Purpose
Soul Work
- What do you want your life purpose to be?As you consider this, remember that the heart and the body tend to know the answer to this question on a soul level, whereas attempting to answer this through the mind can engage the ego.
- When in your life have you felt most ‘on-purpose’? At what points did you feel most focused, aligned and clear that ‘this is what I’m here to do’? Track this throughout your life. What are the themes? When was the last time you felt truly ‘on-purpose’?
- What have been the recurring patterns in your healing?What are the major life lessons you have learned or are in the process of learning?Explore these four areas of your life:
- Self-Karma (inner work with you and yourself, personal healing)
- Relational Karma (family and significant relationship lessons)
- Ancestral Karma (healing and work past on for you to continue on behalf of your ancestors)
- Service Work (what have been the themes in your career other forms of service to the world)